
7 keys
Strona 15 z 16

Autor:  Ara^ [ 2007-08-14 19:08:26 ]

hehe ludzie ale wy macie problemy :) wpisz w google 7 key's albo quest 7 key's i masz ;]
macie tutaj:=============================the answers=========================
short answers: 1 1 2 2 1 2 2

1. Cyphers Power = Power to make things dissapear
2. Patos = God of Transformation
3. Contents of Box = Cyphers Head
4. Son of El Morad's Emperor = Zignon
5. Did Logos create Humans? = No
6. Who was born first? = Logos
7. Which Mountain did they cross? = Iskanz Mountain
1st key Sentinel of the key

1313,520 near elmorad castle
670,189 at eslant gate
1675,1007 smildon land
962,353 on the right of eslant gate

Recon (941.1661)
GraveYard (1033.1386)
Eslant Gate (1374.1847)
Tyon farm (389.1174)

2nd Key Watcher of the key

1631,1042 smilidon land
1125,1805 kalluga gate
954,1357 at the tower between Doda Camp and Kalluga Valley Entrance

Tyon farm (389.1174)
Trolls (1282.316)
Lamias (801.530)
Raon House (933.973)

3rd Key Protector of the key

1773,1161 saber tooth spawn
1110,865 the enterance of skeleton land
1105,681 zombie land near Nameless warrior
????,???? in front of elmorad castle at stinger land

Linate-South (1680.611)
UrukTrons (1543.332)(1585.281)
Harpies (1682.1240)
PumpkinFarm (1508.1598)

4th key Ranger of the Key

1666,892 tyon land, next to farmer
605,1230 deruvish land
1603,539 near elmorad castle

Bellua (386.692)
Kalluga Gate (953.168)
DTS (826.677)

5th key Patroller of the Key

1231,549 scorpion land
305,1252 inside raipa
1606,994 the tower near smilidon land

Haungas (1343.1352)
Apes (307.1272)
Deruvishes (1527.902)
Linate (1735.833)

6th key Recon of the Key

1660,1330 inside asga
1737,1543 Near goblin village

Linate-South (1676.603)
Goblins (377.215)
UrukTrons (1543.332)(1585.281)
Treants (1071.336)

7th key Keeper of the Key

317,1683 near raipa
1592,410 inside elmorad castle, at the tp gate

DKs (1080.992)
GrayOozy farm (699.1042)
Scorpions (732.1356)


niektore odpowiedzi moga byc troszke inne ale bardzo podobne

Autor:  BlackFlamePL [ 2007-08-14 20:55:28 ]

Ok dzięki Ci bardzo :>
Pozdrawiam :]

Autor:  newicz [ 2007-08-15 16:46:19 ]

super przydało sie :D

Autor:  Gzaor [ 2007-08-15 22:19:33 ]

gdybyscie chociaz przejzeli temat chociaz strone wczesniej to z pewnasci byscie znalezli, ale po jakiego grzyba kl;ikac na strony wcezsnije latwiej naklikac na klawiaturze

Autor:  Pogo_Style [ 2007-09-26 17:18:13 ]

Mam 50 lvl i jak gadam z npc Polkwein ten nie ma dla mnie qesta 7 keys... co jest nie tak?

Autor:  Lukasz1991 [ 2007-09-26 18:08:24 ]

Bo 7 koles nazywa sie KEEPER

Autor:  MnMs [ 2007-09-26 21:48:56 ]

musisz miec lvl 50 i 10% zeby wziac tego questa.

Autor:  asdf123 [ 2007-10-13 14:17:51 ]

pogadalem z wszystkimy klucznikami odpowiedzial na all i co teraz mam zrobic gdzie to mam zaniesc te klucze


Autor:  Kondi_Pl [ 2007-10-13 16:22:49 ]

Musisz iść do tego kolesia od którego brałeś questa.

Autor:  asdf123 [ 2007-10-13 18:20:24 ]

masz wrocic do tego kolesia co wziales questa i dostaniesz caly lvl gdzie kolo 15 m expa

Autor:  janasmat8 [ 2007-11-15 23:16:09 ]

Tu macie ziomy dokładnę lokalizacje na mapie kolesi z tymi kluczami


Scar: ok ziom, jestes zajebisty ziom, u'r my idol ziom!

Autor:  druid [ 2008-12-07 00:09:27 ]

po tych nowych patchach naszla lekka zmiana (kilka nowych pozycji)

Short Answers: 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 (1 = Top Answer, 2 = Bottom Answer)

Full Answers:
1. Cyphers Power = Power to make things disappear
2. Pathos = God of Transformation
3. Contents of Box = Cyphers Head
4. Son of El Morad's Emperor = Zignon
5. Did Logos create Humans? = No
6. Who was born first? = Logos
7. Which Mountain did they cross? = Iskanz Mountain

### Locations of the Sentinels (El Morad): ###

1st Key - Sentinel of the Key

Near El Morad castle (131.520)
At Eslant gate (670.189)
Smilodon land (1675.1007)
On the right of Eslant gate (962.353)

2nd Key - Watcher of the Key

Smilodon land (1631.1042)
Kalluga gate (1125.1805)
Tower between Doda Camp & Kalluga Valley Entrance (954.1357)

3rd Key - Protector of the key

Saber Tooth (1773.1161)
The entrance of Skeleton land (1110.865)
Zombie land near Nameless Warrior (1105.681)
In front of El Morad castle at Stinger land (?.?)

4th Key - Ranger of the Key

Tyons (1666.892)
Deruvish land (605.1230)
Near El Morad castle (1603.539)

5th Key - Patroller of the Key

Scorpion land (1231.549)
Inside Raiba (305.1252)
The tower near Smilodon land (1606.994)

6th Key - Recon of the Key

Inside Asga (1660.1330)
Near Goblin village (1737.1543)
Near Apes (?.?)

7th Key - Keeper of the Key

Near Raiba (317.1683)
Inside Elmorad castle, at the tp gate (1592.410)
? (657.674)

### Locations of the Sentinels (Karus): ###

1st Key - Sentinel of the Key

Recon (941.1661)
Graveyard (1033.1386)
Eslant Gate (1374.1847)
Tyon Farm (389.1174)

2nd Key - Watcher of the Key

Tyon Farm (389.1174)
Trolls (1282.316)
Lamias (801.530)
Raon House (933.973)

3rd Key - Protector of the Key

Linart-South (1680.611)
Uruk Trons (1543.332)(1585.281)
Harpies (1682.1240)
Pumpkin Farm (1508.1598)

4th Key - Ranger of the Key

Bellua (386.692)
Kalluga Gate (953.168)
Dragon Tooth Skeleton (826.677)
Hellhounds (128.477)

5th Key - Patroller of the Key

Haungas (1343.1352)
Apes (307.1272)
Deruvishes (1527.902)
Linart (1735.833)

6th Key - Recon of the Key

Linart-South (1676.603)
Goblins (377.215)
Uruk Trons (1543.332)(1585.281)
Treants (1071.336)

7th Key - Keeper of the Key

Death Knights (1080.992)
Gray Oozy farm (699.1042)
Scorpions (732.1356)

Autor:  4Detoox [ 2008-12-07 17:00:37 ]

dobra robota tylko czy ktoś już sprawdzał to?

Autor:  druid [ 2008-12-07 22:45:50 ]

ja :) robiac qesta nie moglem znalezc 1 i zajzalem na strone king'a i tam bylo...

Autor:  Mordorek [ 2009-12-01 14:44:25 ]

Czytałem wszystkie posty, żeby nie było...
Mój problem polega na znalezieniu piątego klucza (karus). Nie chodzi tu o lokalizacje, tylko o to, że na obu serwerach c-2 go nie ma. Co więcej wiem, iż na serwerach Akary również go nie ma. Moje pytania brzmią:
1. Czy znowu K2 usunęło sobie klucznika bo coś tam?
2. Czy teoria ich spawnów równa bosom(lub inna liczona w godzinach) jest prawdziwa? - tutaj jak wiadomo ilu graczy tyle teorii, ale wolę się upewnić.

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